
The Kinetics Node is the starting point for describing the kinetics of the reactions.

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This grid displays the list of included reactions and choices for specifying the kinetics of each reaction. The grid is divided into two sections, one for the forward reactions and another for the reverse reactions.
    • The Include column is used to select which reactions should be considered in the kinetic model at execution time. By default, all reactions in the forward direction are included. When the include flag is not checked for a reaction in a particular direction, that reaction is considered kinetically absent, although the rate constant values are preserved. This enables you to study the effect of not considering some reactions without deleting them and losing their kinetics information.
    • The Reaction column displays all reactions that were included in Reactions node.
    • The Equation column displays the reaction equation based on its stoichiometry.
An example of entering kinetics for a Langmuir Hinshelwood (LHHW) reaction is shown here.


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